
We offer a wide range of services and have a collaborative team who bring a broad range of experience and talent to the table. At the core of all our services is our goal of providing the best outcome for our clients.

Home Assessment for Health and Sustainability

Assess your existing or proposed home with this two part free guide

The Needs & Benefits summary looks at features and benefits for the following questions
• Will this home suit my desire to live a more sustainable lifestyle?
• Will buying or continuing to live in this home be an expensive mistake?
• Will this home be a healthy house to live in?
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Eco Consultancy

You may be at the initial investigation stage or undertaking a project that does not need our full architectural services. Whatever the reason we provide a range of specialised Eco Consultancy services to suit your needs. These include Design for Green Star Rated Buildings; Sustainable Design for Schools; Home Assessment for Sustainability & Site Selection advice; Permaculture Design.
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The Architectural Process

Beginning with an initial consultation we explain the process of design, documentation, consenting, procurement and construction. This is a thorough and tested process supported by the New Zealand Institute of Architects, to ensure that you finish with the building of your dreams, within your budget and in the time frame agreed.
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Needs and Options Review

It is not uncommon for people to know they want to do a building project and have thought about it quite a bit but just don’t know what is feasible for their property...
Or worse, launch into an expensive design service without establishing a relationship with the architect or worse still not carefully establishing the groundwork for the project.
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Design for Accessibility/ Universal Design

The 2013 New Zealand Disability Survey found that 24% of the current population has some form of disability. Many of these people are living, working and learning in environments that make their lives unnecessarily difficult or do not support their disability. We actively design to provide safe and accessible buildings for all users.
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By engaging Don Jamieson Architecture as your architect we are providing our knowledge, skills and experience in return for a professional fee. The fees for providing the agreed services may be calculated on a Lump Sum, a Time Charge or a Percentage Fee basis, or a combination of these depending on the budget, services offered and complexity of the project.
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The Team

